/* * * File: login.php * * Description: CMS Ext login page * */ function loadURL(url) { var oRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); oRequest.open('GET', url, false); //oRequest.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", navigator.userAgent); oRequest.send(null) return oRequest.responseText; }; Ext.define('EnertechXchange.CMS.Login', { extend : 'Ext.form.Panel', timeout: 360000, scope : this, id: 'loginForm', initComponent : function () { Ext.apply(this, { frame : true, scope : this, title : 'Xchange Documentation System Login', width : 350, layout : 'anchor', cls : 'login', items : [ this.fieldset = new Ext.form.FieldSet({ style : 'padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px', title : 'Login', items : [ this.eulaAccepted = new Ext.form.Hidden({ name : 'eulaAccepted', id : 'eulaAccepted', value: 0 }), this.username = new Ext.form.TextField({ allowBlank : false, fieldLabel : 'User Name *', name : 'username', listeners : { scope : this, specialkey : function (f, e) { if (e.getKey() == e.RETURN || e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { this.doLogin(); } } } }), this.password = new Ext.form.TextField({ allowBlank : false, fieldLabel : 'Password *', inputType : 'password', name : 'password', scope : this, listeners : { scope : this, specialkey : function (f, e) { if (e.getKey() == e.RETURN || e.getKey() == e.ENTER) { this.doLogin(); } } } }), this.site = new Ext.form.ComboBox({ displayField : 'name', emptyText : 'Select site ...', fieldLabel : 'Site *:', labelSeparator : '', forceSelection : true, queryMode : 'local', name : 'site', style : 'margin-bottom: 0px;', triggerAction : 'all', typeAhead : true, valueField : 'id', store : new Ext.data.Store({ listeners : { scope : this, load : function (me, records, successful) { if (successful == false) { displayErrors(this.site.store, 'store'); } } }, proxy : { type : 'ajax', url : 'ajax/login_ajax.php', extraParams : { 'a' : 'sites', 'prgid' : 1, 'fstl' : 1 }, reader : { type : 'json', root : 'results', totalProperty : 'total' }, actionMethods : { read : 'POST' } }, fields : ['id', 'name'], sorters : [{ property : 'name', direction : 'ASC' }] }) }), { xtype : 'container', padding : '5 0 0 0', style : { 'text-align' : 'right' }, items : [{ xtype : 'button', handler : this.doLogin, iconCls : 'iconLogin', scope : this, text : 'Login', padding : '2 10 2 10' } ] }, this.errorMessage = new Ext.container.Container({ bodyStyle : 'margin: 10px 10px 5px 10px; text-align: center', hidden : true, id : 'errorMessage' }) ] }), this.forgotPassword = new Ext.form.field.Checkbox({ boxLabel : 'Forgot Password', labelSeparator : '', cls : 'form_label', style : 'text-align: center', listeners : { change : function () { var forgotPasswordForm = Ext.getCmp('forgotPasswordForm'); if (this.getValue() == true) { forgotPasswordForm.getForm().reset(); forgotPasswordForm.errorForgotPasswordMessage.el.dom.innerHTML = ''; forgotPasswordForm.show(); } else { forgotPasswordForm.hide(); } } } }) ]//end of items }); EnertechXchange.CMS.Login.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments); if (this.site) { //this.site.fieldLabel = ''; this.site.hide(); //this.site.store.load(); //this.site.setValue(0); } }, doLogin : function () { var me = this; if (this.username.getValue() == '' && this.password.getValue() == '') { this.username.markInvalid('User Name is required'); this.password.markInvalid('Password is required'); return; } else if (this.username.getValue() == '') { this.username.markInvalid('User Name is required'); return; } else if (this.password.getValue() == '') { this.password.markInvalid('Password is required'); return; } this.getEl().mask('Logging in ...'); this.getForm().submit({ submitEmptyText : false, scope : this, url : 'ajax/login_ajax.php', params : { 'mysite' : this.site.getValue() }, success : function (form, action) { //var obj = Ext.JSON.decode(action.response.responseText); var obj = Ext.decode(action.response.responseText); //console.log(obj); if (obj.success && obj.returnPage) { //if access level < 99 ->redirect, if not show site select window.location = obj.returnPage; this.errorMessage.hide(); } else { if (me.site) { me.site.store.load({ callback: function(){ if (me.site.store.getCount() > 0) { me.errorMessage.hide(); me.site.setValue('Select site ...'); me.site.show(); } else { var message = ' There are no sites with loaded data, please load data first '; me.errorMessage.el.dom.innerHTML = '
' + message + '
' + (typeof(action.result) != 'undefined' ? action.result.errors : 'Sorry, we were not able to identify you.') + '
' + (typeof(action.result) != 'undefined' ? action.result.errors : 'Sorry, we were not able to identify you.') + '